Monday, July 22, 2013

Spot Swap

 Last night we played spot swap on the couch. Usually Mario and Mack are on hu-mom or hu-dad's lap while they watch evening TV.
But tonight, we all started on the couch.  It  you look carefully at the 1st picture, you see Mack and Mario on the seat of the couch and my feet because I'm sleeping on the back.  

A little later, Mario got down and I decided to take his place.  (You can see how much bigger Mario is than me!)  

Then a little later, Mack moved to the doggie bed.  A few minutes later Mario joined him. Hu-mom was going to take a picture of Mack and Mario but just as she reached for her phone, Mario go up.  So I decided to move to the back of the couch again.  We finally ended up like this:  Mario on hu-mom's lap, Mack in the doggie bed and I stayed on the back of the couch.  

It's so hard to find the exact, perfect spot!  


Chfnman said...

Mack should always get the position of honor. He's such a wonderful elder statesman (pug)!! : )


Payton's mom said...

Sleepy puggies in any position are super cute!
PS. Soft kisses for Mack. <3

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

YES.... the MIGRATION of the SWEET Spot!! It is a never ending Search.

Kari in Alaska said...

Musical seats!!!

Stop on by for a visit

Two French Bulldogs said...

So this is like musical chairs
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

Ha! Ha! It's like musical sofas in your house!! :-)

Long time no woof - hope you're all well! We've been really busy and haven't had much chance to visit blog friends lately. It's nice to catch up! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Your right- its is hard to find the best position- but there are many choices-- and so the best thing to do is keep looking for the most perfect spot of all.

Gwendolyn, Pittsburgh Puggle said...

Oh dear, Minnie, Mario, and Mack! Before I introduce myself, I must exclaim that my grandfather is also wonderful and follows all of my adventures!!! I love that your "Grampy" commented above!!! :) And Hi! I am Gwendolyn, aka Pittsburgh Puggle. I found you by way of Preston the Puggle. It's a wonderful pleasure to meet you. I am six years of age, and I love my city of Pittsburgh. I hope that we can be friends! xoxoxo

Frank The Tank said...

Hi Minnie, Mack and Mario!
I read this before but I cant believe I didnt leave a comment, or maybe blogger ate it??
I love how cute Mack looks in the second photo and I cant believe how small a ball Minnie can squish herself in to! I really love to see you all, its great to change spots every so often, its always nice to get a good spot! My favorite is in my Mommas lap! Mmmm! Love and Licks from your furiend Frnak xxxxxx

Inked Leslie said...

so so cute !!!!

Heather Haynes said...

Sleepy puggies in any position are super cute! Keep posting and blogging. I love to see any updates from you puggies!

Unknown said...

thank you for sharing this topic. you are the best on this topic.

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World of Animals, Inc said...

Looks like you both wanted to give each others spot a try for the comforting naps. You look so tired in the photos. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

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