Today was the dreaded bath day. Even though the vet said I only need a bath once a month, hu-mom said she was smelling Mack and I got a bath. Hu-mom didn't think of gettting the camera out until after Mack has his bath.
I could think of a lot more fun things to do on a Saturday morning. Hu-mom said we have 2 activities that involve 4 leggers and humans and she didn't want he humans to say "smelly dog", so we got baths.
Hope everyone is spared the humiliation of a bath this weekend. We are looking forward to the opening of a new doggie/pet store in town this morning. I heard there might be free treats!! I also heard there might be free nail clipping :( Lets hope not!
Minnie :)
14 comments:'ll have to tell us'uns all about the new store and what you did. We haven't had a bath yet...takes too much energy from us and the mamas. Hehehehe! But...we don't smell too frito-y it still could happen before the year is out!
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Yeow, the dreaded bath time. Actually, I don't mind one done at home, but when they take you somewhere--watch out. And nail trimming is the worst (at least for me). I guess it's good you only get one once a month. Last week I had 2--yes, 2. It was AWFUL!!!
LOL. Gus is the same way...can't get out the door fast enough! Happy Saturday Minnie and Mack!
Hi Minnie!!!! I am so honored to have received your name in Jazzys gift pawticipation!!!!!
Sprinkles of love XOXO
Lala Haileys sister
I'm voting for the treats and not for the nail clipping. Good luck on that.
You want to smell good for the upcoming holidays. Maybe it will help you collect more treats! Good luck with that. xo
It's too cold here for baths! Thank dogness!
We all had baths last weekend. Same reason, Mom didn't want Auntie smelling stinky dog. You guys look all soft and shiny. I hope you got lots of treats at the store!
Awe, Minnie you are so adorable and so is Mack!!! Gracie could use a bath real bad right now, and she might just get it tomorrow. Shhhh don't tell her.
Oh Minnie Tuni had her bath Thursday and I get mine Sunday after Pugs-giving. I hopw Mom doesn't take any nudie photos like your hee hee!
mommy gave jack a bath today too! i was lucky enough to not be put in the tub with him. hes not as well behaved in the tub as me. he kept trying to get out. and to top it all off we both hate the hair dryer!
oliver and jack
Just be glad you don't live in MY house, Minnie & Mack - I often get a bath every week! Hsin-Yi really doesn't like stinky dogs and I have to admit, I do get quite stinky quite quickly coz I drool & slobber a lot and it goes down my chest and on my paws and flies up onto my face when I shake my head and then it dries...and so then I smell of slobber and food stuff and other yucky Hsin-Yi says I need a bath! :-) I hate baths but I do get a LOT more cuddles from Hsin-Yi when I'm clean so that's nice! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Hi Minnie and Mack, we're your newest followers, we found you from Wilma's blog. We are two Jug sisters and love to make new friends! Sorry to hear 'bout the baths, our huMom keeps saying we need one too. Hope you have a great week, the new pet store sounds exciting.
Grins and Kisses,
Ying and Yang
pee.ess You can visit us at our bloggy we'd love to see you
We love the nekkid pics of you guys! HAHAHAA
Hope your outing was fun and no hoomans complained of "funky dog" smell. Ugh.
I rode in the car with mom the other day and gave her lap a good dose of "PugButt nectar" and she was so man, she came home and dumped me RIGHT into the tub! Dad asked her WTF was going on and she yelled "I SMELL LIKE A PUG'S @$$!!!!"
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