Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hot Days of Summer

Since its been so hot out and i'm still recovering from being so sick, hu-mom doesn't let us go outside much.  She doesn't let me go to the dog park either...so we've been stuck inside or in our backyard. So it has been a boring summer.
I go back to the dog vet in 3 weeks so I hope she'll tell me I can resume my normal life!

We haven't been taking many pictures either....it's amazing what the heat does to puggies and peeps.

Hope everyone is staying cool by going swimming like the  Southern Fried Pugs or going to the doggie beach like Corbin!

I have an idea that cooler weather will be here before we know it (or at least I'm hoping!).

Happy Summer,
Minnie  : )


Payton said...

I know what you mean, Minnie. So boring here too. But we are going to try the swimming thing SFP-style...the pool is on it's way in the mail now. Stay cool!

Kitty+Coco said...

Amen Minnie! This heat is putting a cramp in my style for sure. Mom lets me out at 8:30pm to play in the yard. Big whoop.

Kitty and Coco

houndstooth said...

I'm hoping for cooler weather, too, but it doesn't seem to be in the forecast anywhere for us. Phooey! I have big plans for Saturday, too!


Southern Fried Pugs said...

As much as it stinks being quiet, you need to rest as much as you can so you heal up completely. Then you can resume your puggle crazy ways!
Our pool sure makes a difference. And it makes mom happy. Happy mom, happy pugs!

Jessica said...

Hopefully, you will be good as new in no time. It's just above 80 here and my pups act like they can barely move. But I guess 80+ with no A/C is too hot for them (along the coast we have no A/C).

We will keep our paws crossed for cooler weather.

Carly @GreenDogLove said...

Enjoy the AC as much as you can, Minnie! Shew it is hot out there! I'm so glad you're starting to feel back to normal!

Road Dog Tales said...

Why is that most of the time it's either too hot or too cold??? Why can't it be just right more?! Inquiring minds want to know :)

The Road Dogs

Anakin Man said...

Yes, it is hot hot hot- we hope you are feeling better and we send hugs,

IzZY, TriXie and Anakin Man

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

The heat turns our poo until puddles while it is inside of us. TMI?

Vito and Gina said...

BLAH we are SO READY FOR FALL!!! And not only b/c it's cooler. But because Mom cooks more. And the chances of food dropping on the floor are markedly increased.

We hope Minnie is feeling good!!
